Jeanette Porter, Services Do You Still Have The Fire – Jeanette Porter December 3, 2012June 15, 2013 | LMCI [Translate] You can watch us live each week! Service Times Sunday AM: 11am Sunday PM: 6pm Wednesday: 7pm Worship Cast License #: 6786 CCLI #: 3105920
Jeanette Porter, Services Stand on the Promise – Jeanette Porter November 7, 2012June 15, 2013 | LMCI [Translate]
Jeanette Porter, Roy Porter, Services Remembering Roy Porter and a Special Message from Jeanette Porter October 8, 2012June 15, 2013 | LMCI [Translate] We have 8 more messages that by Pastor Roy Porter that will be coming up on the site beginning on the 20th of October. We hope they bless you.